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SeisImager 2017 Download. Welcome to SeisImager/SW SeisImager/SW is an easy-to-use, yet powerful program that allows you to analyze multi-channel active and passive source (micro-tremor) surface wave data. SeisImager/SW includes functions to perform the following basic procedures, and more. • Read in and display your data.
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Page 3: Introduction. Atom and to process the data. Geometrics Atom Downloader downloads waveform data from Atom AUs via Wi-Fi and save it raw data files (.mtn). SPACPlus reads the raw data, edits and pre-process raw data and save it as SEG2 files. It also calculates an 1D dispersion curve from ambient noise data.
SeisImager Install Instructions v12 – Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free.
IISEE International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
SeisImagerSW is a robust and comprehensive processing package for determination of shear-wave velocity (Vs) through analysis of active source and passive source (microtremors) surface waves. Surface waves are easy to record and loaded with information about the structural composition of the subsurface. SeisImager/2d折射软件包功能强大,提供了3中单独的反演技术:时间项法(the time-term method)、相遇法(the reciprocal method)、层析成像(tomography)。. 其中时间项法和相遇法都是基于延时信息(附录C,讨论重要概念)。. 这2中方法的主要差别是延时信息的
SeisImager/SW-2D consists of the Pickwin, WaveEq, and GeoPlot modules. Manual De Pickwin Y Plotrefa.pdf. Juárez Autónoma of Tabasco University. GEOFISICA 23. Punto. Azul. Curva. Refracci n. Punto de inflexi n. Ge fono. Manual De Pickwin Y Plotrefa.pdf. 24. ANEXO TEST 1.docx. IESE Business School.
SeisImager/ SW是一款大而全的软件包,通过分析主动源和被动源(地脉动)面波测定横波速度(Vs)。 为不同应用提供便捷分析和快速得到结果。 通过记录来源于主动源(木锤)和被动源的深部微震(环境震动和噪音)的地滚波来寻求剪切波随深度的变化关系。
SeisImager/SW 2次元表面波探査マニュアル解析 (N値を用いた解析) (PDF:339KB) N値を用いた表面波探査解析のマニュアルです-Pickwin95の使い方 (屈折法地震探査) SeisImager/2D Pickwin95の使い方 (PDF:6.2MB) 高精度屈折法地震探査の解析におけるPickwin95の使い方です-Plotrefaの
SeisImager / SW-2D se compone de los módulos Pickwin, WaveEq, y GeoPlot. La superficie Asistente de análisis de la onda no es un módulo separado pero de forma automática pide a funciones específicas de Pickwin, WaveEq y GeoPlot a caminar a través del proceso de análisis.
The procedure of MASW data processing using SeisImager software, a) detection of surface waves, b) image of dispersion curve, c) inversion of dispersion curve, d) 1D shear wave velocity profile.
The procedure of MASW data processing using SeisImager software, a) detection of surface waves, b) image of dispersion curve, c) inversion of dispersion curve, d) 1D shear wave velocity profile.
Installation Instructions for SeisImager Suite of Software: SeisImager/2D and SeisImager/SW This SeisImager software CD is provided to you for (1) evaluation of the programs, (2) if you have purchased, rented, or are upgrading one of the programs, or (3) if you have purchased a Geode, ES-3000, StrataVisor NZ seismograph, which include an instrument or «lite» version of SeisImager/2D. 1.0.
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