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.application of social psychology
La motivation est un concept que l’on retrouve aussi bien dans la littérature Non-academic self-concept and academic achievement: The indirect effect
International guide to student achievement. Routledge. Aronson, J., Fried, C. B., Good, C. (2002). Reducing the effects of stereotype threat on African
de P Huguet · 2017 · Cité 9fois — Are such beliefs another significant determinant of students’ academic achievement? Likewise, over time, students develop positive or
directed learning skills on university students’ achievement in mathematics. provided opportunities to develop and define their own professional
Nous avons effectué une analyse documentaire portant sur le concept d’utilité Predicting high school students’ cognitive engagement and Learning is operationally defined as the use of interactions that are conducive resources and student achievement.
5 juil. 2022 — This paper aims to identify defining attributes on student belonging in the school context in order to provide greater clarification to the
de JA Fredricks · 2004 · Cité 12479fois — In general, there is a consistent association between teacher and student reports of behavioral engagement and achievement across a variety of samples. The
11 juil. 2022 — This article reviews the definition of student achievement, examines the measures targeting the improvement of student achievement in the last