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-Integrate the 6 models of co-teaching with the curriculum. ○ -Identify instructional strategies for the classroom (based on.
more than willing to share the strategies and structures that have made co- teaching a success in their school communities. We extend our special thanks.
Teachers have equal ownership of all students’ work and classroom responsibilities. (Friend, 2014). • There are six co-teaching models.
Co-Teaching Models. Model. Description. Planning. Time. Example. One Teaching,. One Observing. (Whole group). One teacher teaches the lesson and the other.
These models also serve as springboards for teachers’ ideas on how to set up classes and arrange their students for co-taught lessons. A description of each of
Define collaboration. • Explore the collaborative instructional cycle and determine steps for implementation. • Identify and evaluate co-teaching models.
Six Co-Teaching Strategies. One Teach, One Assist. One teacher acts as the primary teacher The co-teacher assists by monitoring student work, addressing.
Digital Book (PDF): Worksheets only (MS Word): Characteristics of a Happy Marriage: Co-teaching Models……………… 8.
strategies for each stage of the co-teaching cycle. The advice and 32(3), 538–550.
The co-teaching pair divides the instructional content into parts – Each teacher instructs one of the groups, groups then rotate or spend a designated amount of
The co-teaching pair divides the instructional content into parts – Each teacher instructs one of the groups, groups then rotate or spend a designated amount of
adopting a co-teaching model to support students with mild/moderate disabilities in general education classrooms. Topics include defining characteristics,
Co-teaching is an adaptable model, allowing educators to adjust and blend teaching skills – a benefit for students, teachers, and the school, allowing students